Hi! Zdrastvajte, bratushki!
First let me introdiuce myself... I'm from Bulgaria. Do you people mind if I write in English... I understand everything written in Russian here but I'm afraid I can't use this language freely.
I'd like to discuss the fingerings of sweep arpeggios.
this is my favourite pattern for 6-string arpeggio around the tonic chord form:
u------------------ d---------------
1 4 3 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 4 3 4 1
now, look at the left hand fingering. It's strange, in all lessons and instruction books I've seen the C note on the 3-rd string is assigned with the index (first) finger.
I just can't understand why is that... that means two things - either a barre is used or the finger moves to the next note, lifting from the fretboard. The barre will surely spoil the sweep... and lifting all the fingers is not a good idea since the left hand will get unstable.
what do you think about this?
I like these arpeggios, I always play them, when I get bored in the middle of Temple Of The King or in the endless Child In Time solo I put some Am and E7 arpeggios along with some sequences and harmonic minor runs a'la Yngwie.