Из книги Росса Рассела "The High Life And Hard Times of Charlie Parker" про то, как Паркер изобрел бибоп:
"One morning at Dan Wall's Chili House, an all-night restaurant at Seventh Avenue and 139th Street, Charlie was jammed with a rhythm section led by guitarist Biddy Fleet. They were working Cherokee. Chsrlie had been over the changes countless times, and the tune was beginning to sound stale. Charlie got to thinking "There's got to be something more, some new way to go." Then an idea struck him - if he played the top notes of the chords instead of the middle or lower notes, he would have a new line. Asking Biddy Fleet to continue, Charlie played through another chorus. The notes sounded strange, but it worked. He was using the upper intervals, ninths, elevenths, thirteenths, skimming along on the very top of the chords. Nobody knew where he was getting the new line. It had never been done in jazz before."
То есть получается, он начал акцентировать на фоне аккорда не устойчивые ступени 1, 3, 5, а наоборот, неустойчивые 2, 4 и 6. И появились новые ходы в мелодии.