Автор Тема: Headrush Pedalboard - новый гитарный процессор (NAMM 2017)  (Прочитано 88249 раз)

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NAMM 2017: HeadRush Pedalboard promises "the most versatile, realistic-sounding and responsive" models ever found in a multi-effects pedal

New FX processor boasts touchscreen display and gapless preset switching

NAMM 2017: New USA-based guitar tech company HeadRush has announced its first product, the HeadRush Pedalboard multi-effects processor.

Developed by the team behind Avid's Eleven DSP, HeadRush boasts a quad-core processor and Eleven HD Expanded DSP, which aim to deliver "the most versatile, realistic-sounding and responsive" models ever found in a floorboard guitar FX processor.

The pedal's 12 footswitches each feature their own OLED displays, while a seven-inch touchscreen handles the bulk of editing, offering drag-and-drop rig creation and clear visual feedback - handy when using hands-free editing.

There are no full specs on model types yet, but HeadRush promises a "generous and diverse offering", including amp, cabinet FX and microphone models, as well as the ability to load custom impulse response files.

It's also touting unique features, including gapless preset switching, a 20-minute-plus looper, the ability to peel off loop layers in the reverse order they were added and more.

HeadRush Pedalboard is available in Q1 2017 for £899.99 - head over to HeadRush Electronics for more info.

With its cornucopia of screens, this newcomer is destined to go up against Line 6's all-conquering Helix - but will it make our rundown of the best multi-effects pedals in the world today?


Ссылка на источник: http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/namm-2017-headrush-pedalboard-promises-the-most-versatile-realistic-sounding-and-responsive-models-ever-found-in-a-multi-effects-pedal-646698


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HeadRush, an innovative new manufacturer of next generation guitar products, today announced their first product, the HeadRush Pedalboard. Featuring a finely tuned quad-core processor and powered by its exclusive Eleven HD ExpandedTM DSP software, the HeadRush Pedalboard delivers the most versatile, realistic-sounding and responsive amplifier, cabinet, microphone and FX models ever found in a floorboard guitar FX processor.

Created by the original team that brought you Eleven®, the HeadRush Pedalboard delivers a new generous and diverse offering of classic vintage and modern amp and FX models, including exclusive original boutique effects that can’t be found anywhere else, as well as the ability to load your own custom impulse response (IR) files. Whether guitarists are looking for a classic warm vintage amp with natural tube drive, wide ambient stereo delay textures with infinite feedback, or the heaviest of heavy djent tone, the HeadRush Pedalboard covers it all and everything between!

The HeadRush Pedalboard also delivers long-awaited exclusive features that can’t be found on any other processor in its class, including gapless preset switching, a looper with over 20 minutes of record time, the ability to peel off loop layers in the reverse order they were added, and much more.

The HeadRush Pedalboard is housed in a rugged, road-ready steel chassis and it features twelve footswitches with their own OLED displays that are easily viewable from all angles. The heart of the HeadRush Pedalboard is the 7-inch touch display and its guitarist-oriented user interface, enabling guitarists to touch, swipe, and drag-and-drop to instantly create and edit their rigs in an unprecedented realistic and intuitive way. The large display also gives ultra-clear feedback when performing live; especially when making slight changes to your tone using the ‘Hands-Free Mode’.

“The HeadRush Pedalboard is a dream come true for guitarists!” said product manager Walter Skorupski, “Using the touch screen is a truly organic experience that’s so familiar and natural to guitarists; making it easy to just jump right in and create amazing sounding rigs in seconds. This is a real game changer, and we can’t wait to hear the tones that guitarists are going to create!”

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HeadRush Pedalboard features the most versatile, realistic­ sounding and responsive amplifier, cabinet, microphone and FX models ever found in a floorboard guitar FX processor.
It contains hundreds of ultra-realistic models of gear we all know and love (and then some)!
They sound phenomenal.
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Directly record and re-amp to/from your computer via the integrated 24-bit 96kHz audio interface.
The FX loop can conveniently integrate pedals or outboard gear at any point in your signal chain.

FINALLY! An FX processor with gapless preset switching!
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HeadRush Pedalboard features a looper with an amazing 20 minutes of record time. You can even peel layers off in the order they were recorded.
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The HeadRush Pedalboard is a first-to-market amp & FX modeling processor with an integrated full-color touchscreen. Built off of the great Eleven Rack’s tone legacy, the HeadRush Pedalboard also addresses (and solves) major complaints about its competition; namely amazing simplicity, the inclusion of a Stereo Doubler, a true multi-core processor, and an absolutely astounding 20-minute loop recorder.

« Последнее редактирование: Января 09, 2017, 21:44:34 от amirkhanov »

Оффлайн True Divaner

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Что интересного он умеет?

Оффлайн amirkhanov Автор темы

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Что интересного он умеет?
Умеет вроде все что только представить можно, даже при цене на лайносикс Хиликс в 1211 фунтов продаваться по 899)))

Оффлайн True Divaner

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Умеет вроде все что только представить можно, даже при цене на лайносикс Хиликс в 1211 фунтов продаваться по 899)))
Более внимательно почитал (что смог прочитать) :) Наконец то начался прогресс в плане загрузки импульсов :)

Оффлайн Вереск

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главное чтоб цыгане не сперли  ;D

Оффлайн ExtremisT

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с лайнсыкса в копьё содран  ???

Оффлайн amirkhanov Автор темы

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с лайнсыкса в копьё содран  ???
А модели с Digidesign Avid Pro Tools | Eleven Rack)))
« Последнее редактирование: Января 09, 2017, 20:51:28 от amirkhanov »

Оффлайн Alex_Che

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  • Я тот, кто я есть, а не тот, кем мог бы быть.
да пофиг с кого содрано
зато уже по карману девайс  :)


Оффлайн amirkhanov Автор темы

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да пофиг с кого содрано
зато уже по карману девайс  :)

По карману двенадцатый атомик амп с импульсопрочтением) http://eushop.atomicamps.com/product_p/amplifire-12.htm

Оффлайн Alex_Che

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  • Я тот, кто я есть, а не тот, кем мог бы быть.
По карману двенадцатый атомик амп с импульсопрочтением) http://eushop.atomicamps.com/product_p/amplifire-12.htm
да я на него скока смотрю все  не могу понять - там эффекты есть? или тока перегрузы? а для эффектов типа разрыв какой

Оффлайн Varlamov_Evgeniy

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Пока не совсем понял какая там цепочка. Можно ли строить параллельные цепочки эффектов. И список эффектов не очень большой. Не в смысле что нужно 10 хорусов разных, а по больше бы всяких странных штук :)

Оффлайн amirkhanov Автор темы

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да я на него скока смотрю все  не могу понять - там эффекты есть? или тока перегрузы? а для эффектов типа разрыв какой
Конюшна есть)

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Оффлайн Огни Святого Эльма

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Посмотрим на политику реализации и ценник в разных регионах ))
Ну и демки послушаем, а то ролик с Лонгфилд невменяемый.

Пока все выглядит так, что возьму побаловаться, с кемпером лоб в лоб посравнивать

Оффлайн amirkhanov Автор темы

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Оффлайн Germumu

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Интересненько. Когда там НАММ будет? Может обнародуют все тех. характеристики. И да, пока по эффектам бедновато, но, думаю, будут усердно настругивать и.... хорошо, если не продавать  :pozor: