Подскажите, пожалуйста, в нем метроном есть?
метронома нет

- это вместе с усилителем?
- нет! это без усилителя... (с)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nlhi4hs-Xo... и добавил:сегодня упало на почту:

Ampero II Stomp Preview Firmware T1.0.1
Ampero II Stomp Preview Firmware (Version T) is based on the latest official firmware released, aiming to gather user feedback and collect suggestions from our most passionate groups of users, in order for us to best utilize and prepare for the upcoming formal update releases. This preview firmware version provides several new modeling algorithms that are not available in the current official firmware version.
● This preview firmware (version T) is adding several new modeling algorithms to the latest (version V) firmware, all other features remain unchanged.
● This version does not support software.
● The new algorithms are in the Test class within the module, they are re-modelled algorithms if the same prototype algorithm previously existed.
● The preview firmware versions are meant to provide insights from users for future official releases. We will actively collect your feedback and decide which new content to include in the upcoming updates. This is not a beta version of the next official release.
Ampero II Stomp Preview Firmware T1.0.1
T1.0.1 New Algorithms Description
Soloist 100 Clean+ / Soldano SLO100 Clean channel
Soloist 100 Crunch+ / Soldano SLO100 Crunch channel
Soloist 100 Lead+ / Soldano SLO100 Lead channel
Attacker / Multi-band Comp 1
Face Fuzz Ge / Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face
Fryman Dist / Friedman BE-OD
Pattern Trem
Spectra Mod
Glitch Delay
Icy Delay
Bloodless Delay
Vintage 140 Plate / EMT 140