Это ясно, более того, купил на пробу у мбритта пак с одним усилителем Jim Kelley 60, там штук 30 профилей с тонкой градацией гейна и настроек, плюс пару профилей с педалью овердрайва перед входом усилителя, чтобы не крутить ручки и снизить артефакты до минимума. Возможно, поможет примечание, которое Бритт в отдельном файле приложил... пока не успел попробовать
Possibly Useful Info –
Tweaking – Feel free to tweak these profiles to fit what you want to hear just as you would a traditional amp. I strive to keep my EQ section as flat as possible so it gives the user plenty of room to adjust as necessary. I find the Definition control extremely useful in dialing in profiles as it can sweep the focus of the overall eq without having to grab the eq knobs. I often start there. If you find the profile “dull”, start by turning up the Definition. If you find it harsh, try turning the Definition down til it smooths out. The Power Sagging, Compressor, Clarity control and the speaker Character control can all be helpful as well. Some profiles may require more tweaking than others in getting “your” sound out them.