Quick report from NAMM:
This thing is waaaaaaay more impressive in person than any video could capture. Extremely easy to use and edit, intuitive, great sounding, well thought out, implemented beautifully....I just can't say enough about it. It's hefty (though only weighs 14 lbs.) and built like a tank.
Effects are great (even the Klon preset is cool), fuzz is great, delays are superb (including new models), amps sound fantastic and what's really impressive beyond the 3D aspect is the depth. That's what really blew me away and is the hardest to capture modeling-wise IMO.
I think those of you who pre-ordered will not be disappointed.
It's SUPER noisy in that huge convention center room and they are based in nothing much more than what could be considered a cubicle. However, if there was ever a "hands-on" device you actually need to hear/see in person this is it. There's really not enough detail in online videos to do it justice. Seriously. It's so much more detailed and subtle when you are in front of it. I would also caution against making judgement, pro or against, based on anything online. I think the best you could hope for in that regard is video merely explaining functionality and architecture to make your own experience faster and more enjoyable once you get one.
BTW-The graphics/screens, including the rack mount, are incredible. So easy to read and use. Programming is a breeze. I was thinking the Helix could work in addition to a small board of my favorite pedals but now I truly believe it can easily replace it altogether with no remorse (and this is from a huge pedal junkie and fuzz addict who likes to experiment with sounds widely).
Oh, and here's just another example of how cool some of the functionality and programming is on this unit:
So, you have a fuzz factory-like fuzz preset but like the FF it has oscillation. HOWEVER, unlike the FF you can program the oscillation in just a few seconds to a separate foot switch so it can be momentary and used only when you wish and not obscure the rest of what you're playing with the fuzz tone. Dig? You play your fuzz phase and when you want to add oscillation pitch you step on the switch as a momentary thing rather than latch. I thought the possibilities could be endless and very cool to me anyway.
The touch sensitivity on the latches is really great too. Very impressive.