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Онлайн F61

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #855 : Июля 09, 2020, 15:01:26 »
 :o  :good:

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #856 : Июля 15, 2020, 07:51:22 »
WARNING - gear nerd post! This was taken from Scott Froehlke’s “Got one!” post on the Scott Henderson Discussion group. Here’s my take on the new RC Booster with two channels - in my opinion it’s the best and most transparent boost pedal ever made, but there are some settings I needed to find to make it work for me, and maybe they’ll work for you too. The first thing I should say is that I use my pedals with the amp on a crunch setting - I don’t like the sound of pedals into a clean amp. That usually sounds kinda sterile - the amp needs to do some of the work.

This pedal is a bit brighter than the one channel version, so I turn the treble down to about 11:30. The bass is the big issue with boost pedals, and one of the reasons I love the RC is because I can control the amount of bass. I’ve never heard a boost pedal which produces real bass, as in 100Hz, it’s more like very low midrange. Setting the bass flat at 12 o’clock on the RC produces about the same amount of low midrange that most boost pedals do, like the old MXR micro amp, or Roger Mayer Voodoo One. There are some players who’d have no problem with this type of tone, but I have a big problem with it, because too much low mid makes high notes sound thin, and can also cause the strings (especially wound strings) to loose their vocal quality and sound woofy. If you keep your guitar tones on 10 and you’re looking for more of a vintage rock tone, the RC bass set to flat is probably fine for that.

I turn the bass on the RC all the way down to 9 o’clock and get the low midrange from the guitar, by turning the tone on the bridge pickup down to between 3 and 5 and the neck pickup to 7 or 8. It’s a bit darker than the typical vintage rock tone, but it’s fatter sounding and better for fusion and playing lines. This setting makes the notes sound huge, even high notes, but still retains the voice of the string. The bass setting on the amp also comes into play, but that depends on the cabinet you’re using - I use a 4x12 so the bass on my amp doesn’t need to be above 1, but I’m sure that would be different for a 2x12 or 1x12 cab.

The gain knobs are also important on the RC Booster. I suggest not turning the big gain knob for channel 1 any lower than 12 o’clock, because doing that makes the sound smaller. However if you’re going for a cleaner sound with the guitar volume on 10 through a clean amp, lower settings of that gain knob are fine. When I record a clean hollow-body guitar, I use the RC with the gain all the way off, just to make the bass tighter and less out of control. Bruce Forman does this too. (yes, he actually uses a pedal sometimes!)

The small gain knob for channel 2 is only used in combination with channel 1, so higher settings can get very muddy - I usually keep that knob at about 10 o’clock. It adds just enough gain to make it easier to play legato and get some good high gain tones. That’s everything I know about the RC Booster - have fun experimenting!

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #857 : Июля 19, 2020, 21:23:49 »

Онлайн F61

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #858 : Июля 20, 2020, 00:01:05 »
VioletRays,  отличный альбом..

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #859 : Июля 20, 2020, 08:05:11 »
Все отличные.

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #860 : Июля 21, 2020, 16:51:07 »

It was a great privilege to get to play with Joe Zawinul! I’d been a huge fan of his for many years before we met, and I learned so much from him, on just about every level. He wasn’t an easy guy to work for, but he was so funny that it was hard to stay mad at him. My favorite story is when I was overdubbing a solo on the album The Immigrants - I stopped and said “I need to try that again, I don’t like what I played”. He said “well what the fuck did you play it for?” It’s funny but it says a lot about Joe - he was such a confident player that I can’t imagine him playing one note he was sorry for. Absolutely the most brilliant composer and melodic improviser I’ve ever worked with.

Joe began his career playing Austrian folk music, classical, and then played bebop & blues with Cannonball Adderley. Back then he sounded very traditional, and when I listen to those old records it’s hard to believe he’s the the guy who became one of the biggest innovators in music. I think the change began when he started playing Fender Rhodes, but when the first synthesizers came out, he wasn’t just a piano player who owned one, he became an incredibly original and creative programmer, and every note he played was in context of the sounds he was using.

Another amazing gift he had was the ability to compose music on the spot. He didn’t use the “process of elimination” method which most of us use. He could sit down and improvise for 10 minutes, and there’s Birdland! Unbelievable. He also had perfect pitch, so when we played duets, I could play any harmonies I wanted - he could improvise immediately as soon as he heard the next chord. Guys like Joe only come around every century or so - add the amazing talents of Wayne Shorter and Jaco Pastorius, and it’s no wonder that Weather Report is still considered to be one of the most important bands in jazz history.

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Онлайн F61

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #861 : Июля 21, 2020, 16:54:47 »
дааааааааааааааааа..!.. :o :o :o :yahoo: :good:

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #862 : Июля 21, 2020, 17:00:18 »

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« Последнее редактирование: Июля 30, 2020, 20:50:01 от кок »

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #865 : Августа 16, 2020, 15:18:26 »

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #866 : Августа 18, 2020, 15:44:01 »

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Manila 2009

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« Последнее редактирование: Августа 18, 2020, 15:52:00 от кок »

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #867 : Августа 19, 2020, 21:31:55 »

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« Последнее редактирование: Августа 20, 2020, 12:37:49 от кок »

Онлайн F61

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #868 : Августа 20, 2020, 00:29:17 »
 8) :(

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Re: Оборудование Скотта Хендерсона
« Ответ #869 : Августа 20, 2020, 12:36:20 »