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1986, если верить
https://www.slashparadise.com/equipment/guitars-slash.phphis best known and best loved is actually a 1959 replica built by Kris Derrig. The guitar was bought for Slash by his manager in late 1986 for recording of Appetite For Destruction.
For studio sessions, Slash almost exclusively uses a 1959 Les Paul Standard replica made by Kris Derrig
А касательно фотки с тремя гитарами выше, там только одна теоретически может быть настоящим Гибсоном, но скорее, пишут, тоже копия:
According to luthier Roman Rist, the middle Les Paul replica here is Slash's first from luthier Kris Derrig—the one Rist says Slash used on the tail end of Appetite. The guitar on the right was built by Peter "Max" Baranet. The instrument on the left is purportedly Slash's second Derrig model.
That review also pointed out something that Slash fans and internet forum users had known all along: The Slash Appetite Les Paul is actually
a replica of a replica— because the instrument Slash rocked on the iconic album wasn't actually a Gibson. The "original," as Slash calls it in the videos, was made by California luthier Kris Derrig.