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Может кому-нибудь будет интересно, подробная программа Лондонского гитарного института -
LEVEL I (Term 1)
Core Skills
Instrumental Techniques
Reading Skills 1, Sight Reading 1
Harmony & Theory
Aural & Transcribing
Stylistic Study
Styles 1 and Styles 2
Live Performance
Live Performance Workshops and Prep class
Rhythm Section Workshop
Composition Songwriting
History of Popular Music
Music Business
LEVEL II (Term 2)
Core Skills
Instrumental Techniques
Reading Skills 2, Sight Reading 2
Harmony & Theory
Aural & Transcribing
Stylistic Study
Styles 3 and Styles 4
Live Performance
Live Performance Workshops and Prep class
Rhythm Section Workshop
Composition Songwriting
History of Popular Music
Music Business
LEVEL III (Term 3)
Core Skills
Instrumental Techniques
Reading Skills 3, Sight Reading 3
Harmony & Theory
Aural & Transcribing
Live Performance
Live Performance Workshops and Prep class
Rhythm Section Workshop
Composition Songwriting
History of Popular Music
Music Business
In addition all students will study one prescribed Key Skill at level three and have regular tutorial support
LEVEL IV (Term 4)
Core Skills
Instrumental Techniques
Reading Skills 1, Sight Reading 1
Harmony & Theory
Aural & Transcribing
Stylistic Study
Styles 5 and Styles 6
Live Performance
Live Performance Workshops and Prep class
Rhythm Section Workshop
Composition Songwriting
History of Popular Music
Music Business
Высший Диплом
Core Curriculum Modules
Aural & Transcribing: An introduction to developing aural skills, both as an individual skill and in the practical application of transcribing
Harmony & Theory: An introduction to practical harmony and theory, such as diatonic harmony and scale/chord formation
Fretboard Skills: Builds solid foundations on the fretboard that will facilitate a thorough understanding of the instrument and its associated techniques
Keyboards: Provides the student with an introduction to the keyboard as a second instrument, supporting the music technology and songwriting modules
Music Technology: An introduction to the use of music technology, designed to equip students with the skills required to program and realise their own works and those of others
Complete Musician: An introduction to the all important skills required to function effectively in the contemporary music business – personal promotion (CV preparation, web based promo skills, networking etc), professional practice, project planning & realisation
Performance modules
Live Performance Workshop: Teaches guitarists to function effectively in a real-band environment. Alongside fellow students from the drum, bass and vocal faculties, a repertoire of songs are learned and performed covering three key styles; Blues, Soul and Rock
Rhythm Section Workshop: This module begins to investigate the critical role of the guitarist as part of the rhythm section, both analytically and practically. Essential styles are broken down, analysed and examples from each performed in a band environment.
Stylistic study modules
Rhythm Guitar: Covers a wide range of rhythm guitar styles, breaking each down into component parts
* Blues: Covers a wide variety of styles within the Blues idiom through study of some of the main stylistic innovators
* Rock: Covers a wide variety of styles within the Classic Rock idiom through study of some of the main stylistic innovators
Fingerstyle: Introduces and develops the fingerstyle technique, applicable to both acoustic and electric guitar
Sight reading: Introduces all of the concepts that will enable the guitarist to start reading basic standard notation
Core Curriculum Modules
Aural & Transcribing: Building upon Level I, this module adds more complex chordal structures and progressions Harmony & Theory: Further extends understanding of the fretboard & associated harmony, moving onto minor scales and their chordal constructions
Fretboard Skills: Extends fretboard knowledge and technique considerably, incorporating arpeggios and their use, and more advanced modes and minor scales
Songwriting: Covers the broad concepts and lays the foundations of the art of songwriting, encouraging students to explore their creative capabilities
Music Business: Provides students with a practical, coherent and solid overview of the main business practices currently used within the industry, focusing on issues such as music publishing, management, revenue streams and copyright protection
Performance Modules
Live Performance Workshop: This module teaches guitarists to function in a real-band environment. Alongside fellow students from the drum, bass and vocal faculties, you will learn and perform a repertoire of tunes, covering three key styles; Pop, Rock and World
Music Rhythm Section Workshop: Deepens understanding of the critical role of the guitarist as part of the rhythm section, both analytically and practically. Essential styles are broken down, analysed and examples from each performed in a band environment
Stylistic study modules
Rhythm Guitar: An advanced and in-depth look at a wider range of rhythm guitar styles
* Blues: This module builds upon previous learning, taking the skills acquired and developing them. Stylistically it incorporates more fusion and jazz styles
* Rock: Builds upon the studies undertaken previously, but introduces more technically demanding aspects. As rock guitar has developed over the past 30 years, the physical demands have increased steadily; this module charts the progress of the rock genre
* Country: Introduces and develops some of the more demanding techniques that the country guitarist has to acquire, such as banjo rolls, pedal steel imitation and hybrid picking
Improvisation: This module studies many of the concepts and skills involved in improvisation as applied in a wide range of stylistic settings
Sight reading: Builds on previous learning, incorporating reading in various keys and positions
Core Curriculum modules
Aural & Arranging: Focuses on complex chordal structures and progressions and introduces basic arranging for other band instruments
Harmony & Theory: Extends harmony and theory into areas of more complex jazz theory, supporting styles covered in performance
Fretboard Skills: Extends fretboard understanding in chords, scales and arpeggios to an advanced level
Studio Musician: Building on the Music Tech and Songwriting modules, students will further extend their creative potential by producing a professional standard recording of their original compositions
Performance modules
Live Performance Workshop: Teaches guitarists to function effectively in a real-band environment, where a repertoire of songs covering more advanced styles will be learned and performed
Advanced Performance Workshop: Involves learning a repertoire of advanced and esoteric instrumental styles, including fusion, country and contemporary rock. This module is where many of the aspects studied over the previous two levels are applied in a real band environment
Jazz: The practice and application of basic Jazz concepts through the study and performance of a selection of standard Jazz compositions
Stylistic Study modules
Chord Melody: Covers the role of electric and acoustic guitar in a solo environment, incorporating solo arrangements of many classic jazz and popular tunes
Fusion: Introduces more demanding and contemporary techniques developed from the fusion of Jazz, Rock and Funk styles
Reading Studies: Further develops all of the concepts from the previous modules
Базовая степень
Year One
The first year of study is arranged over four 30 credit modules that extend across both semesters. These modules are:
A solid musical and instrumental foundation is common to all great musicians. This module is designed to help students develop their musicianship on their chosen instrument/voice and encompasses study of instrumental technique, practical harmony and theory, aural perception and reading skills.
Music Performance
The live music scene has grown in significance over the past decade and an ability to perform in rehearsal, the studio and on stage is a central theme of this programme. In addition, students will investigate the use of technology in performance, stage craft and performing original musical work.
Developing Creative Skills
It is critical that artists can contextualize their own work within that of the wider creative arts, from film to fashion, and be able to self-reflect and therefore adapt as the creative environment changes. This module will introduce the student to these wider themes whilst also working on developing personal creative skills, such as songwriting, composition and arranging.
The Music Industry
A developed understanding of the music industry and how it has grown and developed will provide students with the tools to help make wise decisions on their own careers. Topics covered will include promotion, marketing, social networking, finance, distribution and an introduction to management.
Year Two
The second year of study is arranged over four 30 credit modules that extend across the two semesters. These modules are:
Applied Musicianship
Building on the year one module, this will further enhance the core musicianship skills that will enable the student to function in a wide range of creative situations and environments. This module will also include practical arranging skills.
Final Performance Project
This is the opportunity for student artists to sythesise the various strands of learning so far undertaken. They will have an understanding of their own work within the wider context, and will have built confidence in working creatively in a range of environments. They will have developed a business and entrepreneurial understanding of how their own work can be exploited.
Applying Creative Skills
Building upon the work in the first year, this module will challenge students to consider the image, presentation and promotion of their music. They will work on collaborative projects drawing on partnerships within the wider creative arts.
The Music Entrepreneur
The majority of the creative workforce is populated by self employed individuals who manage a portfolio career. The modern musician has to be aware of, and respond to, new opportunities in the capitalisation of their original output. This module will assist students in developing the personal and entrepreneurial skills, such as communication, leadership and self-management that will assist them when entering the music workplace
Ученая степень
Year One
The first semester of year one consists of the following key components:
Music Practice Instrumental Studies: Classes include technique, styles and reading.
Music Theory: Aimed at developing the student’s wider musicianship, this includes classes on aural & transcribing, harmony & theory and keyboards
Music Performance History & origins of Popular Music. Live performance workshops, ensemble, percussion and backing vocals
Music Production and Music Technology: An introduction to the fundamentals, equipping students with the tools and principles of programming and processing.
Songwriting: An introduction to the ethics of arrangement and the principles of songwriting, including form, lyrics, melody, rhythm and harmony.
The second semester of year one consists of the following key components:
Music Practice Instrumental Studies: Classes include technique, styles and reading.
Music Theory: Aimed at developing the student’s wider musicianship, this includes classes on aural & transcribing, harmony & theory and keyboards
Music Performance History & origins of Popular Music. Live performance workshops, ensemble, percussion and backing vocals
Music Production and Music Technology: Continuing study of the fundamentals, equipping students with the tools and principles of programming and processing
Songwriting: Continuing study of the ethics of arrangement and the principles of songwriting, including form, lyrics, melody, rhythm and harmony
Year two
The first semester of year two consists of the following key components:
Music Practice Instrument Studies: Classes include technique, styles and reading. Music Theory: Aural & transcribing, harmony & theory and keyboards
Music Performance Ensemble Skills: A wide-ranging ensemble class supporting the increasing development of performance and communication skills within the appropriate styles of 20th century popular music, and inculcating an awareness of industry-standard performance. Live performance workshops.
Music Production
Music Business
Arranging and Composing
The second semester of year two consists of the following key components:
Music Practice Instrumental Studies: Technique, styles and reading.
Music Theory: Aural & transcribing, harmony & theory, keyboards
Music Performance Ensemble Skills: A wide-ranging ensemble class supporting and extending the development of performance and communication skills within the appropriate stylistic idioms of 20th century popular music. Live performance workshops
Music Production
Music Business
Arranging and Composing
Year Three
In year 3 of the BMus, students must take one of the Dissertation modules. All modules are 20 credits unless specified
The second semester of year one consists of the following key components:
Event Management (optional 20 credits) This module consists of a broad range of relevant, practical management techniques, including communication, negotiation, organisation, co-ordination, arbitration, and resource management. Students will also study venue operations, event culture and tour management and acquire a functional understanding of the relevant legal issues, obligations and regulations such as public and personal liability, health and safety, and insurance
Dissertation (optional 20 credits) After an initial introduction to the dissertation module, covering issues such as library use, bibliographies, research methodologies and scholarly apparatus, there will be a flexible timetable of seminars based on student presentations and smaller tutorial groups in which broad interests are addressed
Production Project (20 credits) This module develops the skills necessary to plan, rehearse and perform a programme of original popular music, either as a live presentation or as a recorded portfolio of work
In addition, students take the following two-semester modules in the third year:
Dissertation (optional 40 credits) The Dissertation module is broken into three components, as follows: Lecture/workshop component: Review of the field/subject discipline and reprise of conventions of scholarly writing and citation. Identifying and selecting a suitable object of inquiry, then identifying primary and secondary sources and discussing framework and structure. Research study group development: Dedicated series of research seminars and the formulation of agreed project. Supervision & write-up: Regular supervision and production of drafts, revisions and final submission
Licentiate (optional 40 credits) This unique option equips the student with skills enabling them to design, deploy and evaluate a variety of teaching, learning and assessment methods. It will also enable the student to achieve a recognised teaching qualification
Specialised Performance Skills (40 credits) This module provides the opportunity to perform, create, and re-create music at an advanced level.
There are two components
Directed Instrumental Skills: Working collectively, as part of an ensemble under direction, this element draws on the many musical skills acquired at levels one and two.
Individual Instrumental Skills: This class involves the student working in a specialised field requiring virtuoso technique