C других форумов о курсе Берджа PP:
> ya prohodil ves' kurs god nazad mne ne pomoglo voobche hotya delal vse pravil'no. I druz'yam moim kstati toge ne pomoglo
> I have the PP course & he has a lot of good ideas but, his lectures are childish and very redundant. He needs to stop listening to himself and come up with something much more concise and to the point.
I have both courses and never seem to get beyond the second CD, I am always like "shut the f*ck up already and teach me something", the guy babbles endlessly the same thing over and over again, like a need another wife!:jo
> I'm sorry if this sounds strong, but I had a friend who bought this product. I checked it out, and in my opinion, it's garbage. While studying at Berklee I asked one of my teachers about David Burge and his method. His opinion was, it's garbage.
I am looking to create a kind of a database of links to Usenet and other similar posts. Every month or so someone gets on some newsgroup and there is a thread that looks like this (in essence)
PERSON A: "What about this Burge guy and his perfect pitch course? Has anyone actually succeeded with it?"
PERSON B: "Well, I had this sister who had a teacher who had a penpal who's father had an imaginary friend..."
PERSON C: "Yeah, I worked on it for a while. I really think it would have worked, but I just didn't have time and..."
PERSON D: "Yeah? Well, that don't prove nuthin'. I say you have to be born with it. I just feeeeeeeeeel that I'm right."
PERSON E: "Why would you want perfect pitch, anyway? I knew this guy once who had it and he couldn't stand it when [insert some normal musical event here]."
But it is rare that someone just comes out and says, "Yes, me. I did it. I have absolute pitch now, but I didn't when I was 20," or whatever. So what I would like to do is create a database of just such posts. They are rare, but I haven't even sifted through 1% of the stuff out there on Usenet about Burge, let alone on absolute pitch in general. I call it the absolute pitch inspiration file. It's what I wish had been out there for me a few months ago. Anyway, anyone want to help? It's small so far, but here it is:.... (ссылки на
http://www.geocities.com/zip98125/ )
> гарантия, которую дает Бердж и настораживает. При такой массовой рекламе и распространенности в сети пособия Берджа за десятки лет, что она существует, уже должны быть тысячи независимых свидетельств о формировании АС по данной методике. Если Вы обнаружите такие свидетельства на каком-нибудь форуме в количестве больше одного, дайте ссылку, плз.
А кстати, у юзеров методики Берджа есть форум? Он должен быть, если методика работает, но он не нужен Берджу, если она не работает