2jaasco: Вот, что написано в книжке по развитию абсолютного слуха "Perfect Pitch: Color Hearing For Expanded Musical Awareness" DAVID L.BURGE (может видел в гитарных журналах радостного чувачка, который на указательном пальце камертон держит?):
In Bach's day a concert A could often be tuned as low as 415, which would sound like Ab to the contemporary ear used to a concert A at 440...
Concert pitch has risen over the years largely due to the clever practice of an orchestra tuning slightly sharp to give a more "brilliant" sound. Originally, in fact, the term concert pitch meant the brilliant pitch of an orchestra In concert. Over time, however, this effect seems to wear off and the sharper tuning tends to become a new standard, while the orchestra still desires the brilliancy of an even sharper pitch. This is an interesting trend, and seems to indicate that even the undeveloped ear naturally senses a shift in the pitch spectrum it is accustomed to.
А перед этим там написано (даю для объективности):
A musician with developed perfect pitch can never have his ear "untunec" because his ability is in hearing the complete, unbroken spectrum of pitch color . What he calls these colors are of little consequence. Pitch standards, in fact, were quite ambiguous in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with concert A vacillating anywhere from about 373 Hz to about 567 Hz. Handel had one of Shore's original tuning forks which was tuned to A-422.5; Mozart tuned his pianos to about A-422.
2oZZZy- Я думаю, jaasco имел ввиду атмосферу на форуме. Я правильно тебя понял jaasco?
Мне кажется, главное - не учить никого, как надо себя вести и не воспитывать (это может себе позволить изредка админ) - все равно бесполезно. Получается, как в общественном транспорте - уже люди давно сошли, а скандал до вечера блуждает по салону.